Report “State of the Art Assessment of Endocrine Disrupters”

This report presents the results of a project “State of the Art Assessment of Endocrine Disrupters” which was commissioned through competitive tendering by the European Commission, DG Environment.
The report summarises advances in the state of the science since 2002 and maps out ways of dealing with endocrine disrupters in important pieces of EU chemicals regulation, such as e.g. the Plant Protection Product Regulation, PPPR (1107/2009), the new Biocide Regulation and the chemicals regulation, REACH (1907/2006).
During the last two decades evidence of increasing trends of many endocrine-related disorders in humans has strengthened. Although the correct description of disease time trends is often complicated by a lack of uniform diagnostic criteria, unfavourable disease trends have become apparent where these difficulties could be overcome. There are negative impacts on the ability to reproduce and develop properly. There is good evidence that wildlife populations have been affected, with sometimes widespread effects.

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